In the recent weeks following the rollout of Bloom for adults, we received a number of queries regarding what Bloom is, why and how might they adapt Bloom to their school as they prepare for the school opening in October 2020.

Bloom is a reflective project which emerged from our experiences in the lockdown. With the Covid-19 crisis as the dramatic backdrop for learning and work from home, the challenging experiences of people like fatigue, anxiety, sadness, anger and irritability are emotions that signal to us about something that we can learn to recognise, understand so that can our compassion, empathy and kindness to ourselves and others. 2020 is a masterclass of connection, relationship, social and emotional learning. We can learn to acknowledge the good and bad experiences, and understand what it's telling us. The silver linings of the crisis might just be the nudge or the foundation that we need to redefine success, imagine a new future and construct a better life in the new normal.
SELFMatters gathered experiences of the lockdown from our network including ourselves. We realised that these experiences are raw materials and so we brought these experiences into our social and emotional lab to gain insight and meaning. We asked ourselves how might we draw lessons from these experiences. We researched for the science behind it, designed it with empathy and developed the social and emotional toolkit which we now call the Bloom Method. It is aimed to make young people and adults cope and manage well their emotions.

Bloom is a relevant and timely programme at this time of greater need for self-care, wellbeing, security, compassion, safety and trust. We can hack agencies for action and transformation when we practise kindness, compassion and empathy. These are the values worth spreading particularly during this time. We become our best when we extend kindness and compassion to our family and communities. After all, we want to be happier, better and whole-r.
As we continue to roll out the Bloom Method up and down the country, we are so grateful to learn from the feedback which gives us the opportunity to iterate and improve.
Our yearend calendar is getting full so please secure your slots by emailing us at or by messaging us here. Sign up your public school now.
Thank you.